Local Weather Report and Forecast:

Date: APRIL 27, 2024



Weather During Past 24 Hours: Mainly clear sky associated with Light Air to Fresh Breeze.

Average MSL Pressure (hPa) :


Average Air Temperature (Deg C):


Average Wind Speed (Kt):


Maximum Temperature (Deg C):


Minimum Temperature (Deg C):


Maximum Wind Speed (Kt):


24-hour Precipitation (mm):


Today’s Sunset (Local Time)


Today’s Sunrise (Local Time):


Today's Weather Forecast : Partly cloudy sky to Generally cloudy sky associated with Gentle Breeze to Moderate Breeze. Very Light Snowfall likely to occur. Wind speed is likely to be around 10-15 Knots. Wind gust will reach up to 15-25 Knots. Maximum and minimum temperatures are likely to be around -19 deg. C and -26 deg. C respectively.

Outlook for the next 24 hours : Mainly clear sky associated with Moderate Breeze to Strong Breeze. Wind speed is likely to be around 15-25 Knots. Wind gust will reach up to 30-45 Knots. Maximum and minimum temperatures are likely to be around -14 deg. C and -19 deg. C respectively.